A self-inflicted wound

Many of us watched in dismay and astonishment as some of the younger members of the State Legislature who professed to be Christians selectively misconstrued the essence of the New Testament to justify selling their faith out. They focused on the love of Jesus, the kindness of Jesus, and the oh-so-wonderful inclusiveness of his grace, while conveniently omitting his call to sacrificial discipleship and clear directive: “If you love me, show it by doing what I’ve told you.”

How on earth did we get here? How did the church, the Bride of Christ, come to have those in our midst who are so shallow in their spiritual understanding that they no longer call sin “sin” because — well… my FRIENDS are involved, and they are SUCH nice people, so…

Why are we surprised, when millions of Christians tune in weekly to their favorite show, GLEE, because “the music is so good.” Never mind that one of it’s stars, Matthew Morrison, called it, “…one of the gayest shows on TV.” In a June 2010 interview on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, openly gay GLEE actor Chris Colfer revealed that the name “New Directions” was intended as a double entendre for “nude erections.” (But… the MUSIC is so good…)

The top-rated situation comedy “Modern Family” —(even the NAME smacks of sociological propaganda)— is incredibly well-written, masterfully acted, brilliantly cast, and very intentional in normalizing homosexual couples as stable, just-like-you family folks. This season will culminate with the wedding of Cam & Mitch, which has the ACLU so excited they have featured the gay wedding on their website! (www.aclu.org/secure/modern-family-wedding) But… it’s such a good show… so funny… and they are so nice…

What we are experiencing in Hawaii right now is a self-inflicted wound, and as long as Christians lack the discernment to be more selective in the ingestion of entertainment that contradicts their values, we will raise a generation who attend Kids Church, but don’t share our deeply held values.

Wake up!