Attention young Kool-Aid drinkers

Like millions of other Americans, and even the President himself, I was surprised to learn he had been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, for which nominations closed less than two weeks into his Presidency. Two weeks. My question remains: what could Barack Obama, or anyone else, have done in two weeks in office to merit such an honor? It’s ludicrous.

When I commented to that effect on Facebook I was confronted by a young, naive liberal educated in the People’s Republic of Hawaii by our beloved University of Hawaii… the school that produced Barack’s parents and every liberal Democrat in Hawaii politics. I asked him to please tell me one thing Obama had done to merit the award; apparently he couldn’t, because he immediately went into the hater rant about Fox News and the right wing, as if those things had anything to do with the discussion.

So, here’s a memo to the liberal young Kool-Aid drinkers…

If you are in your twenties, you were born in the mid-eighties and have lived through four Presidential administrations before Obama was elected. You were too young to remember what a great President Ronald Reagan was. I have been alive through eleven administrations before Obama, so I have a far different perspective born of experience. You’ll have to forgive me for not buying into all the hope and change rhetoric, because I remember the Jimmy Carter Democratic Administration that promised hope and change and gave us ultra-high unemployment, the dismantling and demoralizing of our military, and a deep recession. If that sounds vaguely familiar, it should. Obama is the second Carter administration.

As for FoxNews; most of those who bash it have never watched it. No, Fox is not impartial. They have a conservative bias. The reason that is an issue is because CNN, MSNBC, and the major networks have such an inherent liberal bias that Fox looks and sounds far different. Younger people do not believe, as my generation did, that the job of the news media is to simply report the facts of the story and not be cheerleaders for the President, reading his press releases without criticism.

So, to the young I say, “Call me when you’ve lived through a few more Presidents and tell me how that hopey/changey thing is working for you.”