Do you recall?

It has happened so often I have almost begun to think it’s normal. A politician talks a great game, makes me believe he agrees with me on at least a few non-negotiable issues, and gets my vote. Flash forward a few months, and (s)he disappoints me again by taking some stance that is so boneheaded it makes me question their intelligence or integrity — or both.

Here’s a humble proposal for your consideration: what if we could cast our vote in elections at every level, and then halfway through their term of office we had the option of retracting our vote? So — using the POTUS as an example — we would vote, and then two years in we’d have the ability to retract our vote if we were disappointed in the officeholder’s performance, which might result in the person with the second-highest vote count completing their term of office.

That could change the game from city hall to the Whitehouse. I’d love to hear what you think.