Launch right, not right now.

Launch right, not right now.

Patience is a virtue (most of us lack). We get a an idea, sometimes a great idea, and want to run with it right away. We might not have a plan, or a budget, or the right people, and the timing is bad… but it’s such a GREAT IDEA, so we launch, full speed ahead. The history of most churches is littered with the failures of programs launched without a plan. This is known as: Ready… FIRE!… aim…

At Reunion, we prefer to launch right, instead of just launching right now.

It is not easy to resist the desire to take off running with the latest great idea, but experience and scripture teach us that it is better to count the cost, build a sure foundation and make certain we have a plan before we begin. What that means, in real, pragmatic terms, is that sometimes we are better off having no program at all, rather than a half-hearted, poorly staffed, ineffective program launched in a hurry because it seemed like such a great idea.

Be patient. Pray, plan and wait for the right moment to launch.