Making the days count

img_clock-calendar Are you counting the days or making the days count?

When I was a student there were some classes (and some teachers) I found very boring. I would sit in class totally tuned out to what was being said, as I stared at the clock anxious for the class to end. I checked off the number of days remaining in the semester, simply counting the days.

At the end of the semester, however, there came the exam… those who had made the days count, instead of just counting the days, usually did better on the final exam.

If we are not alert and aware, there can be moments in our leadership when we find ourselves counting the days instead of making the days count. Each of us has been given exactly the same amount of time — as the song Seasons of Love from the Broadway musical RENT says — five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes each year. That’s what we have each calendar year. Let’s make them count!